Wednesday, August 17, 2022


Dan & Maddie | A Saugatuck Engagement Session

Maddie and I were first connected through a pro-life friend. I had been capturing a Pro-Life Nonprofit Organization's events on a number of occasions, and one of the staff graciously passed on my name to Maddie--who was working in development there at the time. Before meeting for Maddie and Dan's engagement photo session, Maddie and I went out for coffee just to chat and get to know each other! We discovered that we had all sorts of things in common and had the most joyful time laughing, discussing nuances of the pro-life position, talking about theologians and podcasts we find interesting, and telling stories about some of our personal experiences with college and relationships. 

Meeting up with Dan and Maddie in Saugatuck, for their engagement session, was incredible. We wandered around, finding a few beautiful spots--we explored near a flowing stream surrounded by green foliage and blossoming flowers, a quiet roadside park, the grainy dunes, and an area with access to Lake Michigan that I had never seen before, just as the sunset began to exit the horizon. 

The love Dan and Maddie share for one another is radiant. Their relationship is built on the Rock--their love for Christ is genuine and their hearts go out to those around them. Thank you, Dan and Maddie, for being precious friends who point me to Christ.

"God is my Rock of refuge" (Psalm 94:22b).

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